Friday, January 27, 2017

The Ruck, What? The Ruck! It's a fun event.


A fun event!

It's a place to find out more about backpacking and be around like minded individuals.  There might be one in your area so check with "ALDHA"  the American Long Distance Hiker's Association!

I made a presentation board for when I talk at the Ruck.  I also want to share with people my research and how I came up with all of the things you need to do on your 2,658-mile hike.  What do you take?  What are the scary things you will face?  What is the fear factor?  How do you know you can make it to Canada?  How do you even start a hike like this?  What about income for 5 months?  These are all questions that you will have the answers to.  Lunch is provided also and snacks,  it will be a great day.  I love to learn,  even when I teach I learn.  You do have to have some time to prepare,  I am so glad I had a year.  I have my permit,  it is a little bit earlier than I wanted, had to change my flight too.  It's all good,  I am learning every day how to overcome the obstacles that life hands us,  the little ones and the big ones.  Think about if YOU would like to do something like this, make a plan, tell somebody,  Just do it, as the "Nike" motto says.  You can have your dreams come true but you have to start with a plan, a goal.  I read a book called "Crossing Antarctica", after reading that book I thought to myself "I can do something like that"?  Something impossible!  Something Spectacular!  And....You can!  Don't let anybody tell you no!  I just saw a guy on a video with no legs hiking the trail.  You just can never give up on your dreams.  Do you really want to be sitting on the couch when you are 60,70 or 80  and saying to yourself  "Oh, I wish I would have done that"!  No way, not me, not ever,  I will make my own dreams come true, thank you very much.  LIFE is so worth living.
So, what I am trying to say is this,  you can make a difference in your own life.  you can change, you can do this!  I believe we have the power to do amazing things and help people on our way also.   Hope you are inspired, let me know if you are,  that means I am doing something right.  Love YIPPEE!

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