Tuesday, January 3, 2017


It's January... and boy oh boy it's cold outside.  I backpacked 14 miles yesterday with 20 pounds on my back.  It was my personal best.  I didn't wear enough layers on my legs and I got a little bit of Frost nip.  It took me a while to de-thaw so to speak.  Lesson learned.  I am happy when I am outside.  I solve problems in my mind when I am walking.  I heal relationships and sort things out.  I love it when I am walking and I remember old memories of good times.  I get to re-live my childhood all over again.  I also think about the world and the environment and how I would like to change things so we have a better world for our kids and their kids.  Being outside gives me peace unless of course, it is a big hill, then I have to concentrate on my steps and my breath and my energy level.  You have to listen to your body, it tells you if you are low on energy (Grab a cliff bar), it tells you if you are really cold or really tired.   I learned yesterday that when my body said I was cold, I should have put another layer on my legs, I didn't,  I am paying the price. 

Let me tell you what I see and Hear.
I see beauty all around me,  There are snow covered mountains with big chunks of the fluffy stuff on every branch.  When the wind blows, it topples all down, sometimes on you if you aren't careful.  I love it outside.  The animals in the farm land get all frisky.  They play and hop and jump around and run.  The cow's moo and I moo back.  The dogs wag their tail.  Some come chasing after me,  I have my trekking poles ready just in case.It is a really beautiful world and I am very thankful to be outside doing this.   You hear every noise, sometimes you can hear pots and pans when people are cooking.  Your ears get very keen.  You smell smoke from chimneys far away.  You feel a car is close even if you don't see it.  You kind of become like an animal in a way.  You know when something is out of place. 

Yesterday I got my "YOGI" books and half-mile maps to help me find out where I am going on the PCT.  Great information for those of you that want to hike some day.   I am learning every day about the trail.  I have my plane ticket already,  and yes, I am very excited.

You have to have your family behind you when you do something like this.  It is really good to know that they support me especially when you have to devote so many hours to hiking every day and there is laundry on the couch.

It's a scary thing this trek,  I just found out one more thing about the desert, it's called "Valley Fever".  One more danger to be aware of.  It is inside of the dirt and wind when you are walking.  One more obstacle to overcome.   Life is full of them.  I am glad I can conquer them one at a time.  I know I have the power to do this, I certainly have the drive or I would not be in this kind of weather for this many miles.  I do have this internal joy flowing through my veins,  I almost cry sometimes because I am overwhelmed.  It is a beautiful world, thanks for letting me share it.

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