Tuesday, January 17, 2017




  I LOVE TO DREAM,  DAYDREAM OR WHATEVER.  I LOVE TO THINK OF THE "WHAT IF'S".  WHAT IF I TRAVELEd AROUND THE WORLD,  What if I set sail and didn't ever come back.  Would my family miss me,  probably!  I would miss my family, my dog, my mom very much.  I really love my family.  But why oh why do you want to leave?  Well, that's a hard one.  I guess I have some gypsy blood in me.  I like to be on a road, or on the grass,  I love to look up at the clouds and wonder things.  I like to escape from reality sometimes.  I like to be alone too.  Sometimes this hurts people's feelings,  I'm sorry but it is just something I can't help.  I was made this way,  I like to ramble and move and see things and eat new food and visit new places and talk to people.  People are so darn interesting,  everybody has a story.
  I do not have an unlimited source of income.  I am an artist,  sometimes a starving artist,  but I try hard and that counts for something.  I make life beautiful,  I paint life on canvas and paper,  I try to see all the good, the beautiful things.  I love to paint.  It makes me feel alive.  Soooo,  I set out on an adventure,  a real one,  to hike the Pacific Crest Trail,  Yea, that one!  I will paint from it.  I will also experience things that the trail is trying to teach me.  I am open to that.  I love to laugh and to cry to because it cleanses me.  I want to be open to new things and to feel the fresh air on my face and the strength in my legs as I climb.  Yea,  I know it will be hard,  I am definitely anticipating that.  But it's all okay, I will survive.
 So, what are dreams made of these days?  Well,  I am making boxes, Boxes you say?  yes!  I am making my re-supply boxes.  I get to put junk in there that I think I may want to eat.  I also get to put in supplies, gear and a bunch of other cool stuff.  The only problem is that I am taking over the living room, the kitchen, and the dining room table.  It's not my fault,  I need the room.  It's also fun!
So I have all of these maps and zip lock baggies that I have to organize into compartments and put into special boxes with dates and names.  It is a long process.  I have to put my name on the box in just a certain way or it will not get delivered,  I have to send it to myself somewhere along the trail and then I have to wait for it to arrive at just the right time so I can open my mouth and shove in the food.  Doesn't that sound like fun?  Well, it is.  I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing except drinking margaritas on a beach in Mexico while it snows here outside.  OH well,  That's life.
My dream and it is a big one, is to finish the trail by Sept 15th, leaving April 16th Easter.  It's a big dream to walk 2,658 miles into Canada.  It's a dream to eat tons of chocolate and not get fat.  I will consume over 6,000 calories a day in food, doesn't that sound wonderful?  I think so!  So today your homework is to THINK OF YOUR DREAM!  Think big,  What do you want to do with your life?  Don't waste it!

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