Monday, May 7, 2018

Camping in Vintage Travel Trailers




I first bought a Vintage Travel Trailer about 8 years ago or so.  I started out camping at State Campgrounds or in my backyard.  Then I started traveling with girlfriends and I got hooked on Camping in them.  I go every chance I get.  My favorite spot is by a river.  I love to watch the river because it is always changing.  The wildlife is abundant by the river, birds, fish, deer etc.  It is very peaceful there.  I camp with a group of women called "Sisters on the Fly".  This is a great organization and a great opportunity to meet new friends and camp either locally or go off on an adventure.  I love it and it has changed my life.  Some of the best people go camping.
     I love to have a fire at night, bring out my ukulele and strum a few chords.  I am not a professional singer by any means but when by a campfire, it's all good.   Last weekend I met about 30 of my girlfriends and we camped by the river.  Some even took a jet boat ride upstream.  I stayed in camp and just enjoyed the peacefulness of the river.  One night we had a lightning storm and I was surprised to see my awning perfectly intact.  Yay!   It pays to tie it down if you know what is coming.  I do have a ropeless awning and I usually just use that but these winds were furious at night.  In the morning the air was fresh and clean and it was a clear bluebird sky.  I love to hear the pitter patter of the rain on the roof but that night I wore earplugs because it was really loud.
     Camp whenever you can,  it is good for you.  The Vitamin D is good for you.  If you can be near water that is the best.  Go for a hike in the day or visit a close town to see anything new.  I love to adventure out and about.
      Wheather you camp in a tent, a trailer, or just cowboy camp it on the ground, it is a wonderful experience and different every time.  I encourage you to spend some time outside.  I don't believe we were ever meant to spend our lives indoors.  Enjoy the Spring!  It's camping time!  Love Happy Camper Girl.