Sunday, August 26, 2018

Traveling to new places:

     Whenever I look to a new destination to travel, I get all excited.  Sweaty palms, anxiousness, anticipation.  I get out my map and find the location.  Usually, it is in Washington, Oregon or Idaho.  I usually branch out about 4-12 hours in any one direction.  That seems like a safety zone for me.  I love to drive.  I love to eat and drive too.  It is the perfect combination of pleasure.  Sometimes I go to a trailer rally,  sometimes I go fishing by myself,  sometimes I camp with girlfriends, it's all good.  I usually take my vintage travel trailer but sometimes I opt for my tent.  I like to tent camp, there is something very primitive about it that I love.  I especially love my sleeping bag.  It is super toasty warm.  I like to sleep by a fire and hear a river or stream of water close by.  I don't really like bugs but if I am far enough away, they don't bother me too much.  I usually do not eat at my campsite so I do not have to worry about bears.  I do carry bear spray with me just in case.

     If I am traveling and staying in a park or RV place then I really don't have too much to worry about like bears etc.  I do pack a gun for protection when alone.  I like to feel safe and secure when off by myself.  I love to travel with friends because we laugh a lot and have the best of times.  I can camp with 4 or 5 of them and as many as 100.  Nothing better than friends around a campfire or the sound of ukulele's late at night.  I don't think I have ever had a campout I didn't like.  Even if it rained and poured it was an adventure and makes for a good story.

     I am planning a trip right now to Newport Washington with a group of folks I have never met.  It's always fun to meet new people and see their trailers and their old vintage cars.  I can appreciate the time taken to restore these beauties.  I have worked on a number of travel trailers, it isn't as easy as some say.  This trip will be about 4 days.  I usually eat the same things, I have my favorites like Cheetos and turkey sandwiches.  I always like poached eggs on toast in the morning.  My favorite coffee is Hazelnut.  It is the perfect breakfast.  Once in a while I splurge and get some goodies from Trader Joes, or some great chocolate.   M & M's are a must to have as well as marshmallows.   Camp food at it's best.

     I will be teaching a painting class at the camp I am going to.  That will help me pay for my camping habit and the gas it takes to get there.  I am so thankful to have a husband who lets me go off camping at a moment's notice.   I think he knew when he married me that I wasn't going to be the "Leave it to Beaver Wife that stays home all of the time and wears pearls while vacuuming".   I 'm just different.  I am adventurous.  I also love extreme sports.  Sometimes I do crazy things like ski off a cliff, well, that's a whole nother story.  Anyway,  I am excited about this up and coming trailer rally and just to be able to camp again, smell fresh air, meet new friends and eat new food.  What else is there to life except building relationships with each other and help one another?  So, if you see me out on the open road be sure to wave or give me a thumbs up when you see my cute little camper.  I'm sure I will be shoving a cheetoh in my mouth.  Happy Camping,  Love Mig (Happy Camper Girl).    



Monday, May 7, 2018

Camping in Vintage Travel Trailers




I first bought a Vintage Travel Trailer about 8 years ago or so.  I started out camping at State Campgrounds or in my backyard.  Then I started traveling with girlfriends and I got hooked on Camping in them.  I go every chance I get.  My favorite spot is by a river.  I love to watch the river because it is always changing.  The wildlife is abundant by the river, birds, fish, deer etc.  It is very peaceful there.  I camp with a group of women called "Sisters on the Fly".  This is a great organization and a great opportunity to meet new friends and camp either locally or go off on an adventure.  I love it and it has changed my life.  Some of the best people go camping.
     I love to have a fire at night, bring out my ukulele and strum a few chords.  I am not a professional singer by any means but when by a campfire, it's all good.   Last weekend I met about 30 of my girlfriends and we camped by the river.  Some even took a jet boat ride upstream.  I stayed in camp and just enjoyed the peacefulness of the river.  One night we had a lightning storm and I was surprised to see my awning perfectly intact.  Yay!   It pays to tie it down if you know what is coming.  I do have a ropeless awning and I usually just use that but these winds were furious at night.  In the morning the air was fresh and clean and it was a clear bluebird sky.  I love to hear the pitter patter of the rain on the roof but that night I wore earplugs because it was really loud.
     Camp whenever you can,  it is good for you.  The Vitamin D is good for you.  If you can be near water that is the best.  Go for a hike in the day or visit a close town to see anything new.  I love to adventure out and about.
      Wheather you camp in a tent, a trailer, or just cowboy camp it on the ground, it is a wonderful experience and different every time.  I encourage you to spend some time outside.  I don't believe we were ever meant to spend our lives indoors.  Enjoy the Spring!  It's camping time!  Love Happy Camper Girl.