Saturday, May 21, 2016

There is something that happens when you camp.  You get to have a lot of "Think" time.  You get to ponder life's questions about age, living life, friends, love,  aging parents, past struggles, failures, what to do and where to go next.  Life is a journey, sometimes a long one, sometimes too short.  It is when I am outside that I get a glimpse into real life.  I get to see more clearly, to take on the world and to focus on what really matters.  There is this space where it all comes together for this one instance.  I love that about life,  I love that I get a glimpse into the real world for a brief moment.   When I am out backpacking alone,  I feel God's presence,  I feel one with nature,  I sort things out in my mind.  I get clear.  Clear of the stuff.  I am soon going to take a life adventure and hike the PCT.  It is going to be tough,  tougher than I ever dreamed.  I will seriously be alone in the wild, with strange sounds and cries in the night.  I will thirst as never experienced before,  I will hunger as never before too.  I will peel the layers of the onion and strip everything of myself except the basics.  Why do this?  Because something inside of me cries out to, something inside of me wants that thin line, something about this makes me feel alive.  I do not understand all of it and perhaps I never will but I still must do it.  Kind of like the last "Hoorah" because I can.  I hope you go on this journey with me.  It will be exciting for sure.  Something I cannot plan for.  Oh sure,  I can plan the pack and the food and the re-supply boxes but I cannot plan for the change in my head or the thoughts of survival or the expectations of myself.  I only know that I must face myself and I do not mean the person in the mirror.  Sure I have questions but I am a seeker and want to know the answers of life's questions. What better way than to take on a challenge and hike the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada,  2,664 miles.  It will be an a Happy Camper Girl Adventure!  Come join me and let the fun begin.