Monday, February 6, 2017

How the RUCK went???


What fun to be with outdoor people!

I love to go somewhere that has people who think like you.  People who love the outdoors are just great people.  People who Backpack love the environment.  I want to help save the environment.  I want to eat healthy. I want to live healthier. That is why I go to nature.  I can breathe fresh air and drink fresh water and talk for hours with people.   I can watch a sunrise or sunset and share life.  I went to the RUCK this last weekend and got to be on the Panel of ultra-lite thru-hikers.  It was a blast and I learned a ton.  I learned you don't need bandaids, just duct tape,  you don't need a bazillion clothes, just thin layers.  I had packed a little heavier clothes.  I learned not to sweat the small stuff,  just get on the trail and go.  You do not have to be 100% fit,  just get out there,  the tail will teach you.  I have been a text-book thru-hiker.  I am learning to be a real thru-hiker,  still lightening my pack.  I have been a little bit stressed because I want to pack just the right things for just the right moments and have everything all planned out.  Guess What?  It does not happen that way.  The trail dictates to you.  The trail knows what you need and if you let it,  you will gain strength from it.  I am just learning like a baby even though I have been studying this stuff a year now or more.  I need to just chill.   I need to relax and just let it all happen.  I am just such a planner so it is hard but I have found that there is no way that I can have every scenario taken care of ahead of time.  I have to be patient and wait.  You can only plan so much and then you have to let go.   So here is to "Letting Go".

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