Thursday, February 16, 2017



Everyone wants to hear those words "My Permit Came!"

I am one of the few (so far 3600) TO GET INTO THE PCT.  

Many people did not get their permit,  many people did not get the date they wanted.  I did receive my permit by e-mail last night.  I was planning on Easter morning but I ended up getting April 3rd, which is fine.  It is going to be a high snow year in the Sierra.  Does that scare me?  Sure, a little it does.  I will need to buy a "whippet"  which is like an "Ice Axe".  I have watched the self-arrest video and I will practice with it I promise.  When you do a trek like this, you have fears,   I am perfectly honest with you,  yes, I have some.  I do not like being cold.  I do not like ice except in summer in a cold drink.  I have never done a self-arrest.  I prefer Summer over Winter.

Let's talk about "The wizard of Oz"  "Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my",  Well yes there are bears and mountain lions and scorpions in the desert.  There will be high rivers because the snow melts,  there are lots and lots of scary things out there but do you lock yourself in your room and never go outside?  No,  You get up get dressed and go to work or go to town almost every day.  I will be walking.  I will go slow.  I am not in a race.  I will be with a friend. I have read all about the dangers.

I will be re-supplying along the trail which means I will buy food as I go.  People get bored of food, the same food so it makes sense to just buy as you go.  I will try to eat the best food I can get, the healthy food but sometimes a convenience store does not have good choices.  I will do my best.  I do not want to send a box from home that costs $20.00 to ship and then try to walk to a Post Office 18 miles from the PCT trail and wait for it to open, make sense?

I worry about my family members whom I love.  Will they be alright without me?  What if something happens?  These are all real fears and as you know, most fears and worries never happen.  I know that my family and my dog know that I love them very very much.

If I didn't do this trip, I would regret it the rest of my life.  I must do it.  It is something deep inside of me that I just know I have to do.  Hard to explain really.  Everything has just fallen into place.  I went to my dentist and my doctor and I am all checked out.  Sometimes in life, you have to just take a risk, you have to step outside the boundary and see what is on the other side.  Is it curiosity? is it wanderlust?  Is it Gypsy blood?  I don't know but I do know that God made me an adventurous person.  He gave me a drive, a motivation, a stubbornness.

When I look back on my life, it seems that everything has groomed me up to this point,  it has lead me straight here for this moment in time.  I think everything that has happened to me, the good, the bad and the ugly has just made me a whole lot stronger for the trail.

Most of all I am looking forward to the beauty of nature.  I am looking forward to helping women with Breast Cancer (Casting for Recovery) as my fund-raiser.  I am so very Happy that I get to raise money for kids to go to Camp (Mazie Morrison Foundation).  I am privileged to do all of this,  I am also very grateful and thankful to my family fro letting me go.  It's not going to be easy but I think it is going to be fun.

I hope you follow along on my adventure.  It's going to be a wild ride.   YIPPEE!


  1. Thanks for sharing this with me! I'm excited to follow your journey, Mig! I'm SOTF Sister #1221.
