Thursday, September 1, 2016

Been out hiking about 361 miles these last two months.  Took a little trip up to Mt. Rainier and hiked a small part of it, Hiked Snow SLide Lake in MC Call Idaho.  Drove up to Mt. St. Helens.  I wanted to go to PCT Days in Cascade Locks Oregon, took the hubby and proceeded to camp on Thunder Island with all of the thru-hikers who were on the PCT trail.  It is great to talk with the thru-hikers, I learned a ton and also got a bunch of free gear.  Most importantly, I had already purchased the right gear, so glad I researched products.  I still have a long way to go.  I have about 7 or 8 months left to train before I am off on the trail.  Today I only did a short hike.  I am now on my second pair of trail running shoes.  Starting to get my trail legs going.  DOn't want to start eating 6,000 calories yet though, lol.  It's going to be quite the experience.  Be brave and keep going.  It's all good. 

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