Sunday, October 23, 2016

Just 5 months left to go!

In about 5 months time, I will be heading out to trek the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail)  from Mexico to Canada on foot.  It will take about 5 - 5 1/2 months.  That's a long walk.  I am mentally prepared and it has been in my heart for a long time.  I have almost all of my gear except an ice-axe, a bear canister,  and some crampons.  I now have to finish my training which involves waking up at 5:30 every morning and going hiking in all kinds of weather.  What?  you say....  I know I know...why would anyone want to do this,  well that's a good question.
I do it because something inside of me wants to.  It is something deep.  I can't fully explain it to you but I do know that other's feel the same.  It's kind of the "Close encounters of the third kind"  type of deal.  I just know I have to go  do it or at least try.  My family is somewhat supportive,  I think the percentage might be about 70% or so that they think I can pull this thing off,  I have to be 100%  to even make it past the desert.  Sure there are snakes,bears, bugs, cliffs, scary nights, the wind, weather, etc.  Those are things you work through, mind games can even be worse.
It is a chance of a lifetime,  you" face yourself" so to speak.  You learn, you absorb the beauty, you share your life with other humans,  you risk.  I think it is a small trade for 5 months out of your life.  I am looking forward to making the "outside" new home.
I have found a friend whom I want to go with on this adventure.  That should take some of the fear away.  It will be nice to share this adventure with someone that  I trust, and like and want to have fun with.
There are some other reasons that I will share with you as the time draws nearer.  Thanks for listening. Sincerely, Happy Camper Girl

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