Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Hiking with a purpose.

What makes me do this?  Why do I get up early, put on an extra 20-23 pounds and then go for a hike with my backpack on?  I think it is the feeling I feel, which is complete freedom.  Knowing I am out alone with nature and feeling free.  I love the sound and the feel of the wind in my hair.  I love that I can stop whenever I want to watch a butterfly or just look straight up into the clouds.  I love that whether it rains or is sunny that I have everything I need on my back.  I like the feeling of being independent, of being able to go anywhere you want to go.  I get to waive at farmers plowing their field,  I get to hear the birds sing.  I feel more alive when I am outside.  I am so accustomed to the outdoors that I can even feel ahead of time when something is out of place like a tin can by the road or a plane or something manmade.  I feel a peace that you cannot get from a textbook,  you just have to get out and experience it.  Today was a little windy and sunny too, felt great.  I just kept on walking.  I think I hiked about 5.5 miles or so.  It was a little hike but I have put in over 23 miles already this week.  It is fun to climb mountains.  It is fun to set goals and then check them off your list.  When I walk I am documenting everything visually so that I can recreate it on paint and canvas.  It is fun to be creative and to see where I have been by looking at the canvas's I have.  Get outside and enjoy this beautiful earth we call home.  Be brave and keep going!

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