Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Becoming an ultralite backpacker

I have my final four  which is my tent, my backpack, my sleeping pad and my sleeping bag.  I have compared weight and I have cut ounces as much as possible.  It really is an "Art"  this whole ultra-lite thing.  I have been hiking about 60-70 miles a week getting prepared to go on my PCT hike.  I have been trying to eat well.  Emphasis on "Trying".  I try on my pack everyday and also look at all of my personal items along with the ten essentials and ask myself "How can I cut some more weight"?  It really is addicting.  Today I poured my powdered toothpaste inside of a zip lock container so I would not have to take the whole bottle.  I also trimmed a few zippers and left some stuff sacks at home.  I have pulled tags off of my sleeping bag and changed hats about a million times.  I have worn clothing out in the rain and snow to "Prove"  that it really is waterproof.  The list goes on and on.  It is becoming an obsession.  I keep on reading the same books over and over.  I also just got the new Backpacking Magazine about new gear.  Maybe I will change my final four again.  My favorite companies are still  Patagonia, REI, and Western Mountaineering.  I also like
I am going to be learning how to go "Stove-less" and make a lot of meals with a dehydrator.  I already learned how to make a alcohol stove with a pepsi can and/or cat food can.  This is great,  don't you just love learning?  I sure do.  For me it is like school for your hobby.  I love to read and research.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Mig I love learning new things! We all should shouldn't we? It keeps our minds working! 😃 This hike is going to be epic!!! 💕
