Thursday, January 7, 2016

Camping in WInter

Couple of girlfriends were camping at Swiftwater RV Park in White Bird Idaho.  They asked me to come and camp.  You only have to ask me once.  You all know I love to camp weather or not it is Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall.  I just love it.  I love to cook,  I love to watch a river or stream,  I love to fish.  I just like being outside.  I used to be an "inside girl" but not anymore.  There is just something about this planet with all of the green and the blue water.  It is so fun to just travel around and see things.  Today I went snow shoeing with my Dog,  it was fun , plus it is great exercise.  It is much better than laying around.  I do work.  I am an Artist so I can paint anytime at home.  But if I had it my way,  I would camp camp camp.  Hope you all get a chance to get out and do some camping soon.


  1. Hi there Mig! So glad to see this post as when I had Facebook I used to follow you there. We even corresponded a time or two 😃 I love your energy and outlook and thank you for the inspiration and reminder that I can make this happen too! Looking forward to hearing more from you! Happy New Year!

  2. Oops, forgot I'd commented on your previous post!! Lol.
    :) Jacqueline

  3. Love all your posts, how exciting to be doing the PCT! Can't wait to finally be meeting you at Farm Chicks this year!

    1. I know Pam, It will be so much fun. I will be in G1, the over flow part. COme see me and say Hi! Yippeee!
