Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fall Camping

Yep, It's fall alright and here are a few tips about camping out in the colder weather.  You will need  to store some warmer clothes inside your camper.  I have a down sweater by Patagonia.  I also have a great pair of gloves from Cabelas.  I always wear another layer of clothing that I can take off.  Carry gloves with you at all times.  Keep extra food inside your trailer and your car.  Make sure you have a flashlight in your car and trailer too.  I keep oatmeal handy just in case I am in a hurry.  Be very careful lighting candles in your trailer,  never leave them un-attended.  Sure, they smell nice but make sure they are visible and away from the curtains.  I like to camp all year long so warmth is important.  I sleep with a heated mattress pad on my bed,  it is always warm when I get inside.  I only use my heater in the morning when I fist wake up.   I always have lighter fluid and paper in case I need to start a fire,  I make toilet paper rolls with lint inside to start my fire, and then add kindling to that.  I usually save the lighter fluid for the BBQ but I have been known to use it once in a while.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mig :) Stopping by to say hello and say I enjoy your blog. I look forward to more posts from you! I used to follow along on Facebook and messaged you a time or two but I no longer am on Facebook so I'm looking forward to your blog more so. Thank you for the inspiration.
