Monday, November 14, 2016

Training before a big hike!

You have to train which means you have to set your tent up outside in the worst of conditions, the rain, the wind, and this winter even the snow.   You have to want to wake up at 5am every single day, you have to want to hike every single day.  You have to get your feet ready, you have to get your body ready.  It is not easy.  Some days are tough,  sometimes there are injuries.  You have to prepare, you have to think,  you have to have the right equipment.  You really have to be an ultra-lite hiker to accomplish this if you want less weight on your feet.   There will be days I will want to brave, keep going.  You have to research and research, you have to read and re-read books.  You have to talk to a million people and then there are Sponsors and classes and agendas.  You find a way to put all of this in, and of course, you have to sleep sometimes.  If you know me,  you know a creative mind never ever sleeps.   I have been inspired by nature and this trip of a lifetime.  I have many supporters and people who will follow me,  I am especially grateful to "Sisters on the Fly" for planting this travel seed in my heart and also to "Casting for Recovery" for the brave women who are going through Breast Cancer.  I am walking for a reason,  to Send kids to camp through the Mazie fund and also to help women with breast cancer through Casting for Recovery.  You will hear more about this later.  Thank you to all of my sponsors.  I will be documenting my trip through my artwork and blogging along the way.  Please follow along with me as I travel along 2,650 miles from Mexico to Canada.  What a wonderful world we live in!   

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