Friday, June 10, 2016

Great Sponsors on my PCT journey

Putting in the miles every day, getting ready for my PCT trip..  I picked up another really cool Sponsor,  "Stick Pic"  is going to be sponsoring me and letting me me use their product to take pictures along the trail.  The product clips to your trekking pole,  Sweet!  Also "Sisters on the Fly"  will be sponsoring me which is  an amazing organization involving women and vintage travel trailers and adventures all over this wonderful world.  Please check them out on the web.  It is great to have a wonderful support group.  I am never really alone out there with over 7,000 women cheering me on.  I am trying to put in 10 miles or so a day if my feet don't act up.  I will be putting in 20-30 miles a day out on the trail.  Please join in on the fun!  Happy Hiking, Love Mig

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