Friday, October 25, 2013

Some of the fun people I camped with.  We all wore Red, white and blue because it was someone's birthday who happens to have those colors in her trailer.  It was wild with laughter.  We all went out to dinner like this and then sat around a campfire at night.  We slept in our vintage trailers out on the lawn.


  1. I love this photo! I have emailed a link to your blog to a friend in TN who is moving your way soon, has already bought property. When she married, a group of us from work pulled out boas and mardi gras masks, put them on and leaned into the aisle to watch her walking down it....cracked her up, and I could hear others in the seats saying they wished they had thought of boas!!! Oh by the way, the invitation instructed us to dress 'whimsically'!!

  2. Cindy, That would have been so fun to see at the wedding. Make sure you look at all of the pictures on facebook at happycampergirl.
